ASCEND24: AI in Post-Sales Revenue Leadership Summit on August 15th, 2024 in Palo Alto.

Harness AIFuel Adoption

FunnelStory AI transforms your data warehouse into a treasure trove of insights. Learn from your best customers, understand what drives adoption, reduce CTA fatigue, Engage with precision, boost product adoption, and watch your revenue soar.


Retrace your customer’stimeline at will

FunnelStory AI dives deep into your data warehouse, uncovering how accounts interact with your product.

It weaves chats, support tickets, and even Slack conversations to paint a complete picture of your account's journeys from day one to now.

Mine historical journeyswith AI to learn what drives adoption

FunnelStory AI process mines your “customer activity model” to discover historical customer journeys, identify the factors that drive sticky adoption, uncover bottlenecks, point out variances in journeys across verticals, and more.

Craft perfect adoption journeys with AI

FunnelStory AI analyzes past customer behavior (best & worst) to build your ideal adoption journey funnel. It considers timing, activity patterns, and revenue impact, then lets you fine-tune the AI's suggestions for maximum success

Prioritize with AIto eliminate CTA Fatigue

FunnelStory AI can mine historical journeys to discover which customers require help when they need help and how to optimize the delivery of help.

By strategizing the right set of accounts and focusing efforts there, companies can reduce unnecessary tasks by more than 80%, eliminating CTA fatigue of customer success teams.

Engage & nudgeaccounts to success with AI

FunnelStory AI analyzes past successes & failures of your customers to predict what drives customer success. It recommends engagements and nudges to propel your accounts towards winning, with the option to fine-tune based on your expertise

Run precise campaigns with Audience AI

FunnelStory AI unlocks customer insights: model ideal & weak audiences, identify trial drop-offs & churners.

Target campaigns precisely, boost upsells & cross-sell, gather feedback, drive conversions with personalized offers, and build lookalike audiences.

Make funnels smarter,one AI nudge at a time

FunnelStory AI will automatically discover choke points in your funnel that impede conversions at specific stages of the product adoption funnel.

It will also discover effective nudges to propel stalled/slow accounts forward

Security build for the enterprise

FunnelStory works by connecting to structured and unstructured data sources and building a Customer Activity Model.

Data, Protection, Compliance & Security

FunnelStory is ISO27001 and SOC 2 Type II compliant. We’ve taken the extra steps to ensure your data is safe.

Security Control

Our platform offers Role-Based Access Control and detailed Audit Logging, ensuring your data is protected and monitored at all times

Read more on Customer Success Brochure

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Build your accounts funnelIn just 5 minutes!

Unleash the power of AI to turn trial/adoption funnels into revenue powerhouses